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  • SP4T PIN Diode Switches Solfield Solfield High Limulation Highited
  • SP4T PIN Diode Switches Solfield Solfield High Limulation Highited
  • SP4T PIN Diode Switches Solfield Solfield High Limulation Highited
  • SP4T PIN Diode Switches Solfield Solfield High Limulation Highited


    • 0.005 ~ 43.5ghz
    • Astar tionndadh àrd
    • Ìosal vsnwr


    • Siostaman deuchainn
    • Radar
    • Ionnsachadh

    SP4T (Ceithir Pole Pole Ceithir Tilgeil)

    Is e an tionndadh diode Pin Pins Diod a th 'ann an an tionndadh diog-d Diode a tha na tricead rèidio / tionndadh microwave le aon phort cuir a-steach agus ceithir puirt sgrùdaidh. Leigidh e le luchd-cleachdaidh taghadh eadar ceithir slighean comharran eadar-dhealaichte, no ceangal a dhèanamh / dì-cheangal ceithir pàirtean no cuairtean. Tha na buannachdan ann a bhith a 'tionndadh luath luath, call cuir a-steach ìosal, iomallachd àrd, agus deagh thogalach. The wideband PIN switch series products are used to control the on-off or conversion of microwave signal transmission paths in microwave systems.

    Feartan toraidh:

    1. Raon tricead obrachaidh farsaing
    2. Faodaidh call cuir a-steach ìosal càileachd sgaoilidh àrd a chumail suas.
    3. Is e fìor aonaranachd, le coileanadh fìor aonaranachd, a 'lughdachadh eadar-theachd eadar comharran agus a' leasachadh earbsachd siostaim.
    4. astar tionndadh luath
    5. A 'cleachdadh pròiseasan cruinneachaidh meanbh-chuileag adhartach

    Iarrtas toraidh:

    2. Testing and measurement instruments: In the field of testing and measurement, the SP4T PIN switch can be used to switch between different test signal sources or connect to different measurement instruments. Bidh seo a 'cuideachadh le bhith a' cumail deuchainnean agus tomhais gu sgiobalta agus gu ceart.
    3. Military and aviation systems: The SP4T solid state switch is commonly used in military and aviation systems to switch between different antennas or communication devices. Faodaidh e atharrachadh gu sgiobalta eadar diofar dhòighean obrach gus atharrachadh gu diofar fheumalachdan conaltraidh.

    TempwaveTha Inc. a 'toirt seachad PINEAN Diod Diode ag obair aig 0.005 ~ 43.5ghz, leis an àm sèlach as àirde de 200n. Bidh sinn a 'toirt seachad suidsichean coileanaidh àrd àrd, a bharrachd air suidsichean gnàthaichte a rèir nan riatanasan.


    Àireamh pàirt


    (Ghz, min.)



    (Ghz, max.)


    Tuigidh / meòrachail

    A 'tionndadh ùine

    (NS, Max.)






    (DB, min.)


    Call cuir a-steach

    (DB, Max.)





    Àm stiùiridh


    QPS4-5-5-6-6000-a 0.005 6 Extorptive 200 (tearc.) 5 50 (Talise.) 1.5 (tearc.) 1.3 (tearc.) 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-10-20000-a 0.01 20 Extorptive 200 0.5 60 5.5 2 2 ~ 4
    Qps4-100-20000-a 0.1 20 Extorptive 130 0.25 35 5 2 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-100-40000-a 0.1 40 Extorptive 100 0.2 65 6 3 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-100-40000-R. 0.1 40 Meòrachail 150 0.2 60 5 2.2 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-200-200-35000-a 0.2 35 Extorptive 100 0.2 60 5.5 2.5 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-200-200-35000-r 0.2 35 Meòrachail 150 0.2 60 5 2.2 2 ~ 4
    Qps4-400-8000-a 0.4 8 Extorptive 100 1 60 2 1.7 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-500-18000-a-1 0.5 18 Extorptive 100 1 75 3.2 2 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-500-18000-a 0.5 18 Extorptive 100 1 60 3.5 2 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-500-18000-R. 0.5 18 Meòrachail 100 1 80 3.3 2 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-500-200000000-a 0.5 20 Extorptive 100 1 75 3.5 2 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-500-24000-a 0.5 24 Extorptive 100 0.2 60 4 2.5 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-500-24000-R. 0.5 24 Meòrachail 150 0.2 60 4 2.2 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-500-26500-a 0.5 26.5 Extorptive 100 0.2 65 4.7 2.7 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-500-26500-R. 0.5 26.5 Meòrachail 150 0.2 60 4 2.2 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-500-40000-A-1 0.5 40 Extorptive 100 0.2 65 6 2.7 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-500-40000 - A-2 0.5 40 Extorptive 50 0.2 70 6.5 3 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-500-40000 - a 0.5 40 Extorptive 100 0.2 65 6 2.7 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-500-40000-R. 0.5 40 Meòrachail 150 0.2 60 5 2.2 2 ~ 4
    Qps4-500-43500-a 0.5 43.5 Extorptive 100 0.2 65 6.5 3 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-500-43500-R. 0.5 43.5 Meòrachail 150 0.2 60 5.8 2.2 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-800-18000-R. 0.8 18 Meòrachail 100 1 75 3.3 2 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-800-3000000-R. 0.8 30 Meòrachail 150 0.2 60 4.5 2.2 2 ~ 4
    Qps4-1000-2000-a 1 2 Extorptive 100 1 80 1.2 1.5 2 ~ 4
    Qps4-1000-2000-r 1 2 Meòrachail 100 1 80 1.2 1.5 2 ~ 4
    Qps4-1000-8000-a 1 8 Extorptive 100 1 80 2 1.5 2 ~ 4
    Qps4-1000-8000-r 1 8 Meòrachail 100 1 80 2.2 1.8 2 ~ 4
    Qps4-1000-18000-a 1 18 Extorptive 100 1 75 3.2 2 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-1000-18000-R. 1 18 Meòrachail 100 1 75 3.3 2 2 ~ 4
    Qps4-1000-20000-a 1 20 Extorptive 100 1 75 3.5 2 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-1000-20000-R. 1 20 Meòrachail 100 1 75 3.5 2 2 ~ 4
    Qps4-1000-40000-a-1 1 40 Extorptive 100 0.2 65 6 2.7 2 ~ 4
    Qps4-1000-40000-a-2 1 40 Extorptive 50 0.2 70 6.5 3 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-1000-40000-R. 1 40 Meòrachail 150 0.2 60 5 2.2 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-2000-4000-a 2 4 Extorptive 100 1 80 1.6 1.5 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-2000-4000-R. 2 4 Meòrachail 100 1 80 1.5 1.8 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-2000-8000-a 2 8 Extorptive 100 1 80 2 1.5 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-2000-8000-R. 2 8 Meòrachail 100 1 80 2.2 1.8 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-2000-18000-a 2 18 Extorptive 100 1 75 3.2 2 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-2000-18000-R. 2 18 Meòrachail 100 1 75 3.3 2 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-2000-20000-a 2 20 Extorptive 100 1 75 3.5 2 2 ~ 4
    Qps4-2000-20000-r 2 20 Meòrachail 100 1 75 3.5 2 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-2000-40000-A-1 2 40 Extorptive 100 0.2 65 6 2.7 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-2000-40000-A-2 2 40 Extorptive 50 0.2 70 6.5 3 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-2000-40000-R. 2 40 Meòrachail 150 0.2 60 5 2.2 2 ~ 4
    Qps4-3000-6000-a 3 6 Extorptive 100 1 80 1.8 1.5 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-4000-8000-a 4 8 Extorptive 100 1 80 2 1.5 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-4000-8000-R. 4 8 Meòrachail 100 1 80 2.2 1.8 2 ~ 4
    Qps4-5000-10000-a 5 10 Extorptive 100 1 80 2.4 1.7 2 ~ 4
    Qps4-5000-10000-r 5 10 Meòrachail 100 1 80 2.4 1.8 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-6000-12000-a 6 12 Extorptive 100 1 80 2.5 1.7 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-6000-12000-R. 6 12 Meòrachail 100 1 80 2.6 2 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-6000-40000 - a 6 40 Extorptive 100 0.2 65 6 2.7 2 ~ 4
    Qps4-8000-12000-a 8 12 Extorptive 100 1 80 2.5 1.7 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-8000-18000-R. 8 18 Meòrachail 100 1 75 3.3 2 2 ~ 4
    Qps4-8000-40000-a 8 40 Extorptive 50 0.2 60 6.5 3 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-8000-40000-R. 8 40 Meòrachail 100 0.2 60 5.5 2.5 2 ~ 4
    Qps4-10000-40000-a 10 40 Extorptive 100 0.2 65 6 2 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-12000-18000-a 12 18 Extorptive 100 1 75 3.2 2 2 ~ 4
    QPS4-266-40000-a 26 40 Extorptive 100 0.2 65 6 2 2 ~ 4

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